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Find words in Documents (office, pdf, hwp) (LGPL)

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JSearch is the open software to extract string and find keyword from HWP and Office format.

Download & Installation (2ways)


1)just import

Just import JSearch.jar to your project

2)download dependency from maven repository

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  1. It should work with various types of document. ex) hwp, pdf, office
  2. It should support extract string and rapidly find keyword from doucments.
  3. It will be jar library.
  4. All functions are synchronous.
  5. a result of extraction contains full string.
  6. a result of finding contains word count.


public class JSearch

JSearch supports various types of documents with open source engines.
And this library contains 3 types of functions. extract...() and isContainsKeyword...() and getFileList...()

HWP, DOC, PPT, EXCEL, TEXT, PDF and UNKNOWN are supported.

Modifier and Type Method and Description
static java.lang.String extractContentsFromFile( target)
extract string
static java.lang.String extractContentsFromFile(java.lang.String filePath)
extract string
static java.util.List getFileListContainsKeywordFromDirectory(java.lang.String dirPath, java.lang.String keyword)
get a list of files which are containing keyword.
static java.util.List getFileListContainsKeywordFromDirectory(java.lang.String dirPath, java.lang.String keyword, boolean recursive)
get a list of files which are containing keyword.
static boolean isContainsKeywordFromFile( file, java.lang.String keyword)
get true or false about containing keyword.
static boolean isContainsKeywordFromFile(java.lang.String filePath, java.lang.String keyword)
get true or false about containing keyword.